Let’s Get Organized!

I prefer to organize by class and colorstory. A few of my clients find it easier to have all classes combined and go by color completely. I believe that works when you have a closet where all of your clothing is on one wall space. Everyone is different, so do what makes most sense for you!
Step One:
Organize your closet from top to bottom layer. Meaning, that when you walk into your closet, the first class that you should see are your tops. An example would be to start with camis/tanks and end with sweaters/ cardigans. Once that you have everything in that area organized, arrange the section from light to dark colors. Everyone has their way of organizing color. Do what makes sense to you! Work through your closet section by section, then step back and admire your handy work!
Step Two: Accessories
This is an area that is all dependent on what you own. Without getting too deep into the process, I would place your focus on what you have the most of. Shoes would be the top category for most of my clients. Use the same process, as you did with your clothes just apply a few modifications. Put your focus on what shoe style that you wear most and create a space that makes them most accessible. I usually focus on work and move to casual for most of my clients. Again, it depends on your space too.
I always encourage clients to invest in felt hangers. They save a ton of space and make your closet feel more organized. Always use the same color and match the hanger color to your closet color shades.
Arrange your shoes facing in opposite directions (see example picture above) to save space.
Organize your very top shelves or leave empty, if possible. A cluttered top shelf can make your entire closet feel unorganized!
I hope that these easy tips will help you get ready for the next season! Please reach out to me, with any questions or concerns. I am setting up FaceTime appointments, for anyone who needs one on one advice. ivy@ivycosta.com